Remove Eventlet from OpenStack

Giving to all the OpenStack teams, themselves responsible of a collection of deliverables who constitutes the OpenStack components, a solution to securely remove their dependence to Eventlet, usable by everyone, regardless of their resources, while by ensuring the enjoyment of decision-making autonomy for each team. Combine the parts of this proposal in such a way that the general will takes precedence over the individual will, allows the sovereignty of teams over their environment to exist in their full extent, and equality of chance between teams, and the exercise of freedom individual, this is the problem we had to solve.


OpenStack is built on the top of asynchronous mechanisms.

All the OpenStack components heavily rely on the Eventlet library to obtain asynchronous features and greenlet coroutines, however, the OpenStack community currently suffer from many aspects of the usage of that library.

Indeed this library currently does not support Python 3.12 and face many issues with Python 3.11 (those are described below).

This new python version will be part of the supported runtime in the coming OpenStack series. At least Python 3.12 should be a supported runtime of the “Dalmatian” series. 2024.1/Caracal currently support Python 3.11.

Many distros already started to transition to Python 3.12. That’s the case for Debian, Fedora includes all Python versions which are supported upstream, and Ubuntu 24.04 also introduced support to this version.

It is urgent to solve this compatibility problem and it could be the right moment to move to a more sustainable solution in replacement of Eventlet. Without rapid actions the community will soon face more pressure.

Here is a purged list of the main pain points in Eventlet that led to this situation:

  1. The lack of maintenance: the lib is not actively maintained. No reviews were made during several months. Only one person could be still considered as an active core member. The consequences of this inactivity are legion. Tests don’t pass, locally or in CI. CI doesn’t run at all for Python 3.11. The github pull requests and issues backlogs of Eventlet are growing indefinitely. Legit bugs are not fixed. Python 3.12 is not supported in runtime.

  2. The technological dead-end: The premise of Eventlet is drop-in compatibility via monkey patching. Unfortunately that quite possibly hasn’t been true for a long time, and it’s becoming increasingly more difficult over time and over new Python version.

    Example #1: Compliance suite

    Per the docs, “Eventlet provides the ability to test itself with the standard Python networking tests. This verifies that the libraries it wraps work at least as well as the standard ones do.”

    That is, Eventlet will run the Python standard library’s test suite against Eventlet to make sure it’s compatible.

    Unfortunately, this testing mechanism was never updated for Python 3.

    As such, it’s basically designed for Python 2.7, and there has been 13 major releases of Python since then. Is Eventlet still compatible with the standard library? It’s hard to say, but quite likely not.

    Example #2: RLock

    When Eventlet was originally written, threading.RLock was written in Python. This has a bug, e.g. it didn’t actually work in the face of signals: (there’s a bunch of comments in the ticket from people encountering this in the real world, logging being a common situation.)

    The problem doesn’t occur in the version of RLock which is written in C, which is the current default and was introduced in Python 3.2.

    However, the C version of RLock doesn’t work with Eventlet, so Eventlet has been monkey patching threading.RLock, replacing it with the (buggy and unfixable) version written in Python (threading._PyRLock_).

    In 3.11 this gets worse, as the RLock version written in Python has become subtly incompatible with eventlet’s expectations. To get the Eventlet test suite passing on 3.11 maintainers had to copy/paste the Python RLock code and tweak it.

    So now Eventlet has to use a forked version of a broken implementation of RLock. It’s possible there’s another solution, but Eventlet basically relies on monkey patching a whole bunch of functions and on implementation details of Python standard library using those functions in particular ways, which are not always stable over time.

    This problem will continue to get worse as Python evolves. E.g. it would not surprise if the GIL removal makes things even more difficult for Eventlet.

Root Cause

One could think that the root cause of the OpenStack issue described above lives in the recent lack of maintenance of the Eventlet library, yet this is not the case. Even if Eventlet simplified the life of the community developers for years, one can’t ignore the fact that by its inherent philosophy and nature it has only widened the gap between the OpenStack code base and the CPython stdlib implementation.

Now, because of the usage of Eventlet, 13 major releases of CPython implicitly separate OpenStack and CPython.

Thinking that the recent lack of maintenance in Eventlet explain our current issue and hoping that simply fixing two or three things will unlock our problem is just hypothetical. When the GIL removal (for now just optional) will become a reality we will surely live in a nightmare.

Indeed, considering that Eventlet is fully based on volunteers, and considering the current available resources of this project - 3 people -, it would be feasible to fix urgent things, but considering the gap between Eventlet and the recent CPython releases, it would be really hard to catch up and it would surely require several development years.

So, for these reasons, thinking that way will sooner lead us toward deeper moats which are impossible to cross. Thinking that way already led us to stick to EOLed design of CPython.

One could think that the Eventlet case is an isolated case. Unfortunately not. Resources are scarce. The same observation is true have the vast majority of other third parties libraries. Almost all these libraries rest on the shoulders of one or two people. It’s the harsh law of the open source ecosystem. Scarcity lead the world. Only mainstream projects like CPython or OpenStack has decent resources. Winners take all.

The root cause of the problems described here is due to the fact of using a library without resources. A library that did not have the means to adapt to its environment. A library designed to solve Python design issues from another time. A time when python was not provided with an internal asynchronous backend.

All the problems described above inherit from choices made in Eventlet, several years ago, to improve older versions of Python, 2.7 at least. All the current issues are related to Eventlet design implementations made for Python EOL versions. Design choices and implementation made at a time where the Python stdlib was not designed to support async. That mean that OpenStack is now really far from the concurrency approach chosen by our main runtime, Python. An approach that is the future of the main technology on which rest all OpenStack, Python.

Even if Python 2.7 is now EOL and even if its support have been dropped from OpenStack years ago, today we are still impacted by previous design choices made for it.

One major argument initially brandished to defend usage of Eventlet inside OpenStack was one of those was to avoid explicit concurrency in our code base. Monkey patching. We use Eventlet as an optional, pluggable, backend that allows swapping out blocking APIs for an event loop, transparently, without changing any code. However, with time, this affirmation has become false. Now, numerous are the examples where OpenStack source code now has a whole bunch of patches necessary for Eventlet to work properly. Locks are heavily used in sync designed OpenStack code , where, apparently, no explicit concurrency is expected. Eventlet has infected synchronous code. Even our initial arguments have evaporated with time.

Is all this Eventlet problem are solvable? Is the gap recoverable? Yes, but at a significant cost.

Investing money, time, and engineering skills in a solution that will continue to diverge from the main runtime pillar of OpenStack, Python, isn’t something conceivable.

Investing energy in a solution that is made to improve dead version of Python is not something rational.

Investing OpenStack’s precious - decreasing - resources in a migration toward one an other library likes Eventlet, without it having good and long term maintenance capabilities is not something desirable neither. We would face the same situation again, sooner than we think.

The current situation, trigger a signal to the community. The community should catch this event to decide actions to lead OpenStack toward a solution. A realistic solution. A pragmatic solution. A deterministic solution.

We should design a solution, that once is applied, must ensure that the current inputs always provides the same outputs. No regressions.

Sustainability should be the main priority of the OpenStack community. Our sustainability should be based on the future of Python, not on its past.

Eventlet is not a sustainable solution for a project like OpenStack. Eventlet struggles to remain compatible with CPython. Using Eventlet introduce a gap between us and the CPython stdlib. We should adopt a solution that remove that gap.

But… Our challenge is to find a solution which leaves no one behind. Our challenge is to find a solution that every OpenStack team can adopt. Our challenge is to find a solution that respect freedom of choice of every OpenStack team. Our challenge is to find a solution which take account of the evolution of the Python ecosystem.

On Eventlet

The purpose of Eventlet is to manage asynchronism. To achieve that goal Eventlet relies on concepts, monkey patching, and greenthread <>.

Eventlet is based on greenlet <>.

Eventlet is designed around 3 essential design patterns:

  • the client pattern: allow clients to communicate with third parties in an asynchronous way. By example a web crawler. A list of urls are crawled asynchronously to retrieve their bodies for later processing.

  • the server pattern: non-blocking server who wait for requests on a socket. By example an HTTP server.

  • the dispatch pattern: this pattern represent a server which is also a client of some other services. By example a proxy, an aggregator, a job worker.

These 3 Eventlet design patterns allow non-blocking and rely on greenthreads to implement them.

There are two main use cases for Eventlet:

  1. As a required networking framework, much like one would use AsyncIO, trio, or older frameworks like Twisted and tornado;

  2. As an optional, pluggable backend that allows swapping out blocking APIs for an event loop, transparently, without changing any code. This is how Celery and Gunicorn use eventlet.

Greenthreads, are inherited from the greenlet library. They are lightweight coroutines for in-process sequential concurrent programming. Greenlets can be used on their own but they are also a fundamental piece of the voodoo behind the monkey patching mechanisms from Eventlet. They are designed to be cooperative and sequential. This means that when one greenlet is running, no other greenlet can be running.

OpenStack use greenthreads pools and greenlet as executor. Those can be used among other examples, to launch cooperative threads, to run workers, and to launch periodic tasks. A concrete example of greenlet usage in OpenStack is the thread launched to manage the RADOS Block Device (RDB) calls. Those calls are executed in Eventlet tpool while the current coroutine/greenthread is blocking until the method completes.


On the Perspective of the Proposed Solution

The solution proposed below focus exclusively on OpenStack components that currently rely on Eventlet. OpenStack components which are not relying on Eventlet can safely ignore this proposal. The proposed solution is a by default solution. Like with all governance goals, OpenStack teams are free to design their own solution.

We should notice that many teams do not have time and resources to follow their own path. For many of these teams, the threading model they have inherited through the usage of Eventlet is blackbox. These teams are afraid to touch this model.

This proposal aim to provide a default solution that can be adopted by any teams who wants it.

Our goal is to get rid of Eventlet, and without default solution these teams will remains dependent of Eventlet, and, hence, Eventlet will continue to threaten the coming OpenStack releases.

OpenStack leaders are expected to put the needs of OpenStack first in their decision making, before the needs of any individual project team. For this reason, readers should appreciate this proposal with a global perspective and not only with a team based perspective.

On the Standards of the Industry

The raise of parallelism and of concurrency are trends which are carried by the constant evolution of our industry. Hardware is now naturally parallel. Decades of works in computer architecture have focused on maintaining the illusion of serial execution.

Python wasn’t written with parallelism in mind. Many Python developers, since decades, lives in a sequential world. Indeed, Parallelism is when tasks literally run at the same time, e.g., on a multi-core processor. On the paper Threads are made for parallelism, not for concurrency, but, in CPython, the GIL affect threading. One thread runs Python, while N others sleep or await I/O. When do threads switch? Whenever a thread begins sleeping or awaiting network I/O, there is a chance for another thread to take the GIL and execute Python code, not really such a parallelism. The GIL prohibits parallelism with threads. Only multiple processes (forks) would allow real parallelism with CPython.

During almost 20 years, CPython suffered from the absence of concurrency. Concurrency is when two or more tasks can start, run, and complete in overlapping time periods. It doesn’t necessarily mean they’ll ever both be running at the same instant.

Today, in 2024, the CPython stdlib, includes the concurrency concept. The CPython community, through the addition of AsyncIO, introduced coroutines and async features. AsyncIO is not affected by the GIL, but it cannot benefit from multiple CPU either. In AsyncIO each task decide to when get back control to the main event loop. AsyncIO coroutines avoid context switching. AsyncIO save system resources.

The absence of these 2 concepts, parallelism and concurrency certainly played on important role in the creation of Eventlet and in its adoption by the CPython community, OpenStack included.

The fact is now the Python community wanted these 2 concepts, parallelism and concurrency. The utility of a creation cannot be decreed, it is discovered. The original utility of Python can’t fight.

We recently discovered native concurrency with the addition of AsyncIO in the stdlib. We are now in the face of discovering multiprocessing. It is inevitable.

Starting from Python 3.13 the PEP 703 will become a reality and disabling the GIL will be permitted, therefore, giving access to parallelism in the Python ecosystem, and introducing all the consequence that such a paradigm shift bring with him.

Indeed, the option-ability of the GIL raise a concern that we cannot ignore.

Many third party libraries in use in OpenStack are binding of C libraries, or rely on C libraries. Greenlet is the perfect example of that. The GIL option-ability will allow these binding to don’t shy away from using parallelism. That was not possible before, but the door ajar.

We cannot really predict which are the libraries that we use which will follow that transition, and we can’t guarantee that they will remains backward compatible with the sequential paradigm.

We can’t ignore that point, else the following scenarios await us:

  • we could simply loose the capacity of using those libraries;

  • we won’t be able to properly control their uses;

  • we may have to stick to older and outdated versions of these libraries and so which could represent a significant security problem for us.

Abruptly using parallelism in OpenStack may lead to unexpected problems. Depending on the evolution of our ecosystem, keeping the GIL enabled could block us in an unsupported world. Again, the utility of a creation cannot be decreed, it is discovered.

We should not ignore that emerging trends and, if possible, think in ways to adapt to the evolution of the industry.

We are at a crossroads. Option-ability of the GIL will shift our world. Parallelism is at some kind a new paradigm for our ecosystem.


Here are the facts: Stop using Eventlet is not an option it is an obligation. Eventlet can’t be removed abruptly. We need a way to keep our affairs running. We need alternatives to replace Eventlet. We need a plan to implement these alternatives.

This proposal aim to make Eventlet work again on the short run. Then incrementally abandon Eventlet in favor of alternatives to keep OpenStack healthy on the long run.

The solution described here propose to smoothly migrate from a broken Eventlet that threaten new OpenStack releases, to an healthy OpenStack free from Eventlet. All of that would be possible by keeping Eventlet healthy in the short run.

The solution proposed here is composed of the following elements:

  1. an identification of the possible alternatives to replace the common Eventlet patterns. In other words, which modules are at our disposal to replace Eventlet; One alternative can’t fit all the Eventlet usages. By example, for many deliverables replacing Eventlet by AsyncIO would almost mean a complete rewriting of these deliverables.

    Identifying a couple of alternatives would give us more freedom and will simplify the removal of Eventlet.

  2. a guide to help to select the alternatives that fits the identified Eventlet pattern. Teams can rely on this guide during the migration of their deliverables. Many alternatives may fits one identified pattern.

    This guide is based on a hierarchy of specifications which aim to produce one to one replacement solutions. For one Eventlet use case this guide may produce several alternatives and patterns that can be chosen by developers according to their needs and to the complexity that they are ready to accept;

  3. a schedule of steps required during the migration of a single deliverable. OpenStack’s Python deliverables can be seen of two types, common libraries, or services.

    This solution propose a specific schedule for both types of deliverables. Teams know their deliverables types, hence, they will be autonomous on the execution of these schedules.

  4. a global schedule of the whole steps required to remove Eventlet from OpenStack. This global schedule is composed of 3 global milestones, short, medium, and long term. Each milestone is ordered in terms of priority and of dependency. This section aim to define how to move from A to Z;

Removing our dependency to Eventlet is a real challenge, and, we can’t take such challenge without strategy and tactics. Each items which compose this solution is a tactics and the whole is the strategy.

The global duration of this goal could be at least five to six years and would requires several series to be fully applied.

Removing Eventlet is not an option. That’s a vital need. Lets see how to do that removal.

The Available Alternatives to Eventlet

We need alternatives to replace Eventlet. One Alternative one choice, many alternatives many choices. Variety is the key of decision-making autonomy.

This section propose to define a couple of identified alternatives. Defining is limiting. Without limits no assistance is possible. Without limits lots of misunderstanding lies in wait for us.

The first objective of this community goal is to help and to assist. If teams have no assistance, Eventlet, as a blackbox, will remains here. If teams decide to follow an other path, unfortunately, we won’t be able to assist them.

The second objective of this community goal is to avoid misunderstanding. Misunderstanding lead to blackboxes. Bots are roots of traps. We want to prevent us from taking the wrong path.

The list of the selected alternatives proposed below is not fully exhaustive. Some other options may be added during our discussions, provided that we are able to provide a minimal understanding and expertise.

How using the following alternatives is defined into the guide proposed later in this document. These selected alternatives and their definition will be stored in guide. Migration Guide.


Is it still necessary to present Greenlet?

Greenlets are lightweight coroutines for in-process sequential concurrent programming.

Even if eventlet is ill, Greenlet is healthy. Eventlet depends on Greenlet. Greenlet is totally independent from Eventlet.

In several case we could use greenlets and its coroutines. Greenlet can be used to run workers or specific tasks who needs to be detached from the main thread.

Unlike with Eventlet the code ran into these coroutines would become blocking.

Greenlet are frequently defined by analogy to threads. For many purposes, you can usually think of greenlets as cooperatively scheduled threads. The major differences are that since these greenlets are cooperatively scheduled, you are in control of when they execute, and since they are coroutines, many greenlets can exist in a single native thread.

Threads (in theory) are preemptive and parallel [1], meaning that multiple threads can be processing work at the same time, and it’s impossible to say in what order different threads will proceed or see the effects of other threads.


As with Greenlet, we don’t think it is necessary to present AsyncIO.

AsyncIO is Python’s built-in coroutines. AsyncIO is designed around concepts like generators and async def functions. AsyncIO is a module made to write concurrent code.

Unlike Eventlet, AsyncIO bring explicit asynchronous features. But explicit is explicitly explicit… AsyncIO is by nature invasive. This invasive nature have a cost. This nature increase the cost of the adoption of AsyncIO on a code base like the OpenStack one. We can’t neglect that point.

Most of our parallel things made in OpenStack are network calls. Network calls who are blocking IO.

AsyncIO is not affected by the GIL, but it cannot benefit from multiple CPU either. In AsyncIO each task decide to when get back control to the main event loop. AsyncIO coroutines avoid context switching. AsyncIO save system resources.

In short, AsyncIO offers:

  • a safer alternative to preemptive multitasking.

  • a simple way to support many thousand of simultaneous socket connections.


Awaitlet allows existing programs written to use threads and blocking APIs to be ported to AsyncIO, by replacing front-end and backend code with AsyncIO compatible approaches, but allowing intermediary code to remain completely unchanged. Its primary use is to support code that is cross-compatible with AsyncIO and non-AsyncIO runtime environments.

Internally Awaitlet rely on AsyncIO and Greenlet in the same time. Awaitlet bringing together the best of both worlds.

Awaitlet is a concepts that found its roots in SQLAlchemy. Awaitlet is a standalone implementation of this concept. An extract. The Awaitlet initiative is born from the comments made by Mike Bayer earlier in this proposal, and is born from the different discussions who followed these comments.

Awaitlet allow using AsyncIO and its derived libraries (aiohttp, etc…) without requiring a complete rewrite of all our applications.

Awaitlet is a good deal between modern concurrency, and simplicity of implementation.


Aiohttp is Asynchronous HTTP Client/Server library for AsyncIO and Python.

We think that Aiohttp is a credible alternative to many use cases provided by Eventlet’s patterns.

Using aiohttp de facto lead us to use AsyncIO. Rewriting a server module with aiohttp may require a significant amounts of works. Fortunately for us Aiohttp can now be used through the mechanisms offered by Awaitlet.

Eventlet’s AsyncIO Hub

Eventlet’s AsyncIO Hub is a compatibility layer between AsyncIO and Eventlet. This hub has been recently introduced. Like Awaitlet, the creation of this hub find its roots in the discussions related this community goal proposal.

This hub is not strictly speaking an alternative to Eventlet. This hub is Eventlet. But this hub is a like a proxy which allow using the other Alternatives presented here.

This hub would allow us to use AsyncIO, Aiohttp, Awaitlet etc in the same time that Eventlet. This hub is a the key of a smooth migration.


To finish, threading and native threads could be used to run tasks in a parallel fashion.

As Eventlet rely on green threads and greenlet, in many aspects, it would be surely easier to migrate our Eventlet existing code to native threads. On the other hand, using Awaitlet could provide a credible alternative to threads, depending on the context.

Before using threads, the reader should consider some aspects of using threads.

Threading - as a programming model - is best suited to certain kinds of computational tasks that are best executed with multiple CPUs and shared memory for efficient communication between the threads. In such tasks, the use of multicore processing with shared memory is a necessary evil because the problem domain require it. Network programming is not one of those domains. The key insight is that network programming involves a great deal of “waiting for things to happen” and because of this, we don’t need the operating system to efficiently distribute our tasks over multiple CPUs. Furthermore, we don’t need the risks that preemptive multitasking brings, such as race conditions when working with shared memory.

Threads consume a lot of preallocated virtual memory per thread (8Mb stack space per thread). Threads requires context switching even when threads are waiting from an IO. At very high concurrency levels, there can also be an impact on throughput due to context switching costs.

Threads are resources intensive and not particularly designed for non blocking IO.

In Python, threads are impacted by the GIL in many aspects. We won’t repeat the problem with parallelism in Python in this section, rather we invite the reader to go to On the Standards of the Industry.

Other alternatives

Depending on specific needs, other alternatives could find their place here, like Futurist or Cotyledon. But as they are really related to specific aspects not related to the Eventlet patterns we won’t list them here, but we will speak about them later in this document. Especially because oslo.service is impacted by the removal of Eventlet. But Cotyledon and Futurist are more related to features of oslo.service rather than to Eventlet itself.

Migration Guide

The migration guide rests on 3 pillars:

  1. The guide would define the official alternatives where we would be able to provide assistance. ;

  2. The guide must provide a glossary to ensure that everyone has the same understanding of the used terms;

  3. the guide aims to provide a table of correspondences that developers can use to migrate their code and hence remove their Eventlet usages.

This section simply aim to offer an overview of what this guide could look like.

The guide proposal made in this document doesn’t aim to give all the possible details that can find their place in this guide. This proposal simply opens this referential. The details of the different section of this guide should be defined in a parallel spec/blueprint/review.

As new usages of Eventlet are discouraged, and as migrating off of Eventlet is encouraged, we think that this guide will benefit to a more broader audience if it is hosted into the Eventlet documentation itself. The whole Python community would benefit from this guide and from our works.

Lets now observe the details and concepts of each pillar.

The Storage of the Alternatives

That’s just the storage of the elements, the alternatives, from the previous section. Alternatives may be seen as something alive, so the guide needs to remains up-to-date in accordance with the possible additions.

we may think the selected alternatives as a shelf of raw materials. Elementary bricks. Building house requires bricks, but it also require architectural plan. The table of correspondences below is the architectural plan.

The Glossary

The goal of the glossary is to ensure that everyone is on the same page, and that everyone have the same understanding of used terms.

The glossary aim to define terms like:

  • concurrency;

  • parallelism;

  • preemptive;

  • cooperative;

  • coroutine;

  • task;

  • thread;

  • etc…

The Tables of Correspondences

The goal of the tables of correspondences is to bind the common use cases of Eventlet to turnkey alternatives. We propose to define two tables. Each table is a representation that can help developers to identify alternatives that they can use to remove their Eventlet usages depending on a given context.

The tables provided by the guide should help developers to identify the complexity of adopting a replacement solution or an other. By example, if moving to an AsyncIO based solution, the guide should indicate that all the calling code would also became async/await based, or that it should be ran into an executor (

This guide should be the result of a collegial work to gather all the specific use cases and to oppose them alternatives based on asyncio, Awaitlet, queue, future, etc.

The tables given below are not full list of alternatives. This section do not aim to provide a detailed and finished extract of the alternatives. The tables as the guide who contains them, again, should be designed by their own. Tables are the keys of the freedom of decision-making.

The first table of correspondences would be based on the main Eventlet design patterns, server, client, dispatch (see On Eventlet).

This table invites the persons in charge of the migration to think in terms of common patterns. Most people using Eventlet can identify themselves into one of these three categories.

Eventlet Patterns

Eventlet features

Available alternatives

  1. Server

eventlet.GreenPool, eventlet.listen,,,*Server, eventlet.websocket, eventlet.wsgi

aiohttp.web.Application, async (for|with), await http.server.HTTPServer, http.server.TreadingHTTPServer asyncio.start_server() StreamReader, StreamWriter, asyncio.open_connection(), awaitlet*

  1. Client*, eventlet.greenpool, aiohttp.ClientSession, http.client urllib.request async (for|with), await, awaitlet*

  1. Dispatch

eventlet.listen, eventlet.GreenPile

asyncio.Future, futurist.Future, concurrent.futures.Executor aiohttp.web.Application, async (for|with), await http.server.HTTPServer, http.server.TreadingHTTPServer asyncio.start_server() StreamReader, StreamWriter, asyncio.open_connection(),, aiohttp.ClientSession, http.client urllib.request async (for|with), await, awaitlet*

The second table of correspondences invites the reader to think in terms of task and coroutine. This table is based on a hierarchy of tiers. Each tier is built on the specification of the previous level.

To provide replacement to existing features of Eventlet, we think it is much more useful to think about the use cases being arranged in a hierarchy, rather than a flat list.

This way of representing the correspondences is inspired from the book Using Asyncio in Python.

Each tier is related to a level of abstraction. The first tiers are the most abstract layers. The last tiers reflect low level mechanisms.

For most people Eventlet and its threading model is a blackbox. By reasoning in term of tiers developers will have a better understanding of the mechanisms currently in use in their code, hence, it will simplify their removal.

Some tiers may have many solutions to the same Eventlet usage. In other words some solutions may overlaps. Often, overlapping solutions are async and non async alternatives. Solutions should indicate if they are asynchronous or not. By example code using eventlet.tpool can be replaced by blocking code (native thread who will blocks the calling thread). Developers will be free to decide which solution best fit their needs.

Asyncio target two main audiences:
  • end-users developers who want to make applications using asyncio - Some may consider OpenStack services (neutron, nova, etc);

  • framework developers who want to make frameworks and libraries that end-users developers can use in their applications - Some may consider OpenStack shared libraries (oslo, etc).

But the OpenStack world is not so waterproof, and it is common to see teams who implement services to also implement API related to these services, so even services may be seen as a framework developers audience.

This hierarchy is so strongly coupled to Asyncio concept, but other third party libraries and stdlib modules may find their places somewhere in this hierarchical organisation.

By example, Cotyledon and Futurist aim to provide ways to create workers and periodic tasks. Both concepts are strongly coupled to tiers 3 and 5 of the hierarchy.

Another example is the CPython stdlib. CPython provide modules like threading, http.server etc, that could be used to replace some Eventlet based logic.

Hierarchy of tiers

Eventlet features

Available alternatives

  1. coroutines

eventlet.GreenPool, eventlet.tpool, eventlet.spawn, eventlet.spawn_n, eventlet.spawn_after

async def, async with, async for, await, awaitlet*

  1. event loop

eventlet.greenthread.spawn*, BaseEventLoop

  1. Futures

asyncio.Future, futurist.Future, concurrent.futures.Executor

  1. Tasks

eventlet.GreenPool.spawn, eventlet.pools

asyncio.Task, asyncio.create_task()

  1. Subprocess & threads:

eventlet.GreenPool.spawn, eventlet.greenthread.spawn* eventlet.tpool, eventlet.spawn, eventlet.spawn_n, eventlet.spawn_after

run_in_executor(), asyncio.subprocess, cotyledon.Service, futurist.Future, concurrent.futures.Executor threading.Thread, futurist.ThreadPoolExecutor

  1. Tools eventlet.lock eventlet.timeout eventlet.semaphore

asyncio.Queue, queue.Queue, asyncio.Lock, threading.Lock asyncio.timeout, threading…, asyncio.Semaphore, threading.Semaphore

7. _Network (transport)


8. Network (TCP & UDP):


9. Network (streams):, eventlet.websocket eventlet.wsgi

StreamReader, StreamWriter, asyncio.open_connection(), asyncio.start_server(), http.server.HTTPServer, http.server.TreadingHTTPServer dnspython

The previous table voluntarily ignores some Eventlet concepts like eventlet.patcher, eventlet.hubs, who have no meaning outside of the Eventlet context. The previous table also voluntarily ignores green representations of third party modules like eventlet.zmq.

We should notice that finally many subsets of Eventlet features may match many tiers, depending on their usages. By example the eventlet.tpool which is present in tiers 1 and 5. That’s due to the fact that Eventlet only reason in terms of greenlet.

This table of correspondences can be completed with additional solutions like the web server of the aiohttp lib that can be a solution to replace the WSGI features of Eventlet.

We may think these tables as a architectural plan. Where are the rooms, the plumbing, the electricity. Where each team is able to choose its own design.

But, building house requires a schedule. In addition of the plans, a kind of Gantt’s diagram is now necessary. Lets see how to schedule the building of a single house.

How to migrate a single deliverable

Here is a proposal to define the different required steps to migrate an OpenStack deliverable.

The OpenStack Python code base is mostly composed of libraries and services. The migration plan may differ depending the kind of deliverable.

We should notice that an incremental migration really increase the complexity to get a big picture of the advancement of this goal. Almost all deliverables relying on Eventlet could remains in a transient state without being fully migrated. Migrating this way could lead us to a blur state.

How to migrate a library

Consider the migration of a single one OpenStack library (e.g oslo.messaging, OpenStackSDK, …). Lets call this OpenStack library example oslo.demo. Lets consider that the oslo.demo library provide existing drivers to communicate with backends.

Migrating a library, in our example oslo.demo, would mean:

  1. if not already done previously, starting by moving requirements of the oslo.demo, to a minimum version of Eventlet that support Asyncio (0.35.0 at least).

    Many libraries are requesting Eventlet in their test-requirements.txt file. These requirements should be updated first to avoid pip resolver issues.

  2. Developers of the oslo.demo should identify which python packages could be good candidates for the implementation of their Asyncio based driver.

    Example, in an oslo.messaging context, the existing rabbitmq driver relies on py-amqp library, the new Asyncio based driver could rely on aioamqp. Both drivers will be available for end users.

    There exists good candidates for almost all our third parties libraries. Here is curated list that can help us which package we want to use for depending on our needs.

    Identified candidates could be now added to the requirements of oslo.demo.

  3. start migrating the code base of oslo.demo. This step would simply translate by the implementation of the new driver. At some points some depending on the underlying libraries chosen, config options of oslo.demo may be modified or added.

  4. Libraries may have specific features who are strongly related to Eventlet, like the heartbeat_in_pthread feature in oslo.messaging. Removing Eventlet would make these feature obsolete. As this kind of feature exposes configuration endpoints we would have to deprecate them to allow lib users (services) to update their config files accordingly. However, the deprecation process would take several months or even series before hoping to see these features removed. Hence blocking the migration.

    The proposed solution is to mock these features with empty entry-points who will only raise deprecation warnings to inform users that they have to update their config files. After 1 or 2 series these empty mocks could be safely removed without impacting anybody.

    In other words, these feature will remain in the code, but they will do nothing. They will be empty feature allowing us to migrate properly.

    Example with the heartbeat_in_pthread feature, by removing Eventlet wouldn’t have to run heartbeats in a separated threads. This feature, the RabbitMQ heartbeat, would be run in a coroutine. The config option will remain available but it will only show a deprecation warning like the following one.

    __main__:1: DeprecationWarning: Using heartbeat_in_pthread is
    deprecated and will be removed in {SERIES}. Enabling that feature
    have no functional effects due to recent changes applied in the
    networking model used by oslo.messaging. Please plan an update of your
  5. oslo.demo would be considered as fully ready once it will provide Asyncio based drivers for all its functionalities.

How to migrate a service

As with libraries, the migration of services could be incremental. As long as the OpenStack deliverables start releasing migrated sub modules operators would be able to start using them.

As for the oslo.demo example, let’s consider an hypothetical OpenStack service named supernova. Migrating a service like supernova would mean:

  1. Upgrade the minimal version of Eventlet in requirements.txt file. Deliverables eager to use Asyncio based drivers/backends from the common libraries, we would have to always use Eventlet in a compatible version (at least 0.35.0). Else Asyncio won’t be supported by Eventlet.

  2. Without some configuration, Eventlet and Asyncio are not compatible and can’t live together in the same process. Allowing running Eventlet and Asyncio in the same process will allow using a wide range of the solutions proposed in the guide.

    Deliverables eager to use AsyncIO must activate the new Eventlet AsyncIO hub After that it will be possible to run Eventlet and AsyncIO code in the same process. From this point, we will be able to start refactor our own code to migrate async features toward Asyncio or to use AsyncIO based driver/backends from the common libraries. As the Asyncio hub was added within Eventlet 0.35.0, this will require Eventlet in a version equal or higher to version 0.35.0.

    If maintainers prefer a thread based solution, then, the Eventlet hub do not really matter, and could remains as it is. In this case, AsyncIO based alternatives (AioHttp, Awaitlet, etc) would not been available while the removal of Eventlet is not fully finished on this deliverable.

  3. As a service migration could represent an heavy workload, and as OpenStack resources are more decreasing than increasing, we recommend to split the transition into subtopics. Firstly we would recommend to identify if teams want to use the Asyncio based facade of the OpenStack libraries. Else, teams should decide of the execution model of these libraries that best fits their needs. They can use the migration guide to compare alternatives.

    For more details about the migration guide please see Migration Guide.

    In a supernova context, splitting topics would translate, by example, by, starting migrating oslo.messaging first, once done, start migrate oslo.cache, and so on. Then, once all OpenStack library usages are transitioned then, start migrating third parties libraries calls directly made into supernova. And then replace all occurrence of Eventlet coroutines by something else, by example native threads. The oslo.messaging migration is a subtopic. The oslo.cache migration is a subtopic. The migration of requests usages by aiohttp is a subtopic. The migration of Eventlet coroutines is an other one. And so on…

    requirements versions could be used to identify which subtopics remains an active topic or not - a transition to be made.

    We could maintain a requirements matrix helping to identify which versions of OpenStack libraries are already migrated or not and maybe what is their level of migration completeness.

  4. As for libraries we want to migrate the unit tests of supernova lastly, so the migration must start by migrating the code base loaded at runtime, tests would be migrated in a second time.

    Again the migration guide would suggest alternatives to the majority of the use cases that deliverables may face.

  5. Services may face the same problem that libraries with features who expose configuration options and who are strongly coupled to Eventlet, hence, leading to delay the migration of the service due to deprecation period.

    We suggest to handle this kind of blocking point the same way that we proposed for libraries, i.e by mocking these features with empty endpoints.

    The config option will remains available but won’t do nothing if used. Please refer to the heartbeat_in_pthread use case above for more details about how to manage blocking deprecations.

  6. Migrate unit tests. As said previously we want to avoid regression, so the latter we migrate unit tests the better.

  7. Releasing the refactors. Subtopics must be addressed incrementally. We would suggest to try addressing a subtopic in its entirety to simplify progress tracking, however, if not possible, it would be feasible to release partially migrated sub modules.

  8. If new bugs are opened during the migration, and if these bugs are related to Eventlet and/or to possible race conditions triggered by using Eventlet, then, we would suggest refactoring the impacted code to drop the related Eventlet usage, and, hence, avoid wasting time by fixing something that will be removed soon.

Now that we are able to construct a single house, lets see how to design different districts which would represent at the end an entire city. Again we are close in meaning of something like a Gantt’s diagram.

The global Strategy

This global strategy, the global schedule, is composed of 3 global milestones. A short term milestone, a medium term milestone, and long term milestone. Each milestone is ordered in terms of priority and of dependency.

Short terms solutions (done)

The short term milestone is where we were 6 months ago. Even if this milestone is now done, we preferred to keep this milestone under this document to provide a full and unified context.

As Python 3.12 will be a supported runtime in the next coming OpenStack series, the support issue should be quickly fixed.

So, In short term, Eventlet itself should be fixed first.

This milestone should be done before the beginning the next series (“2024.2/Dalmatian”).

Here is a plan proposal to see this milestone succeed:

  1. Start the discussion with current maintainers (done).

  2. gain write access to the current repo (done).

  3. draft future announcements early in the process to ensure we have achieved our goals when the time comes to publish our announcements. Could be a good benchmark for us to measure our advancements and to validate them.

  4. Merge the CI patches. (done)

  5. Merge the fix for introduce the support of CPython 3.12. (done)

  6. Release the latest changes by creating a new version. (done)

  7. Upgrade the OpenStack requirements to match this new version. (done)

  8. Validate that the main issues are now fixed. (done)

Medium terms solutions

Now Eventlet can be considered as healthy and OpenStack secured for the coming series (2024.2/Dalmatian).

As our goal is to remove Eventlet and as Eventlet occupies an important place in OpenStack, we would have to consider the following points:

  1. Asyncio in some aspects may be a credible alternatives to many Eventlet use cases. If some deliverables are eager to use some Asyncio based solutions they would surely also aim to use our common libraries in an Asyncio based fashion.

    For this reason, if common libraries from OpenStack have the opportunity to offer drivers, backends, or facades based on Asyncio, in addition of the already existing drivers, backends, and facades, then they must provide these opportunity to not closing the door of the Asyncio based alternatives.

    These new drivers, backends, facades, may be based on third parties libraries like aiohttp etc…

    If common libraries close the door to Asyncio, then that will close the door of using Asyncio in the majority of the OpenStack deliverables.

    For more details about the migration guide and the proposed alternatives please see Migration Guide.

  2. Asyncio in versions of Eventlet lower than 0.35.0, is not supported. Both technologies cannot run in the same process.

This milestone would surely require at least two series. One series (2024.2/Dalmatian) to design and implement the transitive engine that will allow us to start the migration and two series (2025.2/F) to migrate the first bricks. Here are items for milestone 2:

  1. design specs of the new Eventlet’s Asyncio hub or similar that has an Asyncio backed eventloop that we can enable instead of the default Eventlet one. (done)

  2. implementing the new hub. (done)

  3. Creating the Awaitlet library. (done)

    Following the comments related to the previous patch set of this proposal the AsyncIO-greenlet pattern created by Mike Bayer has been identified as a possible solution, in some circumstances, to some OpenStack scenarios, for this reason we think that providing a standalone implementation of this pattern would translate into a good opportunity for us to solve this challenge.

    This pattern is internal to SQLAlchemy, the objective of this item is to provide a standalone deliverable that host this pattern.

  4. Identify and add replacement third parties libraries into openstack/requirements. It exists good candidates replacement for almost all our third parties libraries. Here is curated list that can help us which package we want to use for depending on our needs.

    Once selected these packages should be added, one by one, to openstack/requirements, by following our usual process.

  5. deprecating oslo.service.

    Oslo.service was originally designed to provide a framework for defining long-running services, and performing periodic operations. To implement this logic oslo.service is strongly coupled to Eventlet, so an Eventlet removal would mean either an oslo.service total rewrite or an oslo.service removal. We have several options to replace oslo.service so a total rewrite of oslo.service would a lost of time. Instead we propose to replace oslo.service use cases by other libraries specifically tailored for.

    The first option would be to use cotyledon. Cotyledon provides a framework for defining long-running services. It provides handling of Unix signals, spawning of workers, supervision of children processes, daemon reloading, sd-notify, rate limiting for worker spawning, and more. This library is mainly used in OpenStack Telemetry project, so we have concrete internal examples of working usages. We can use cotyledon to define the way we run our long-running services, and to manage our needs of workers.

    The second option to replace oslo.service and to manage periodic tasks would be to generalize the adoption of Futurist in place of Eventlet. By example the RBD executor of Nova could be rewritten by using the ThreadPoolExecutor of Futurist.

    So, in a first time will have to deprecate oslo.service, and to provide migration paths toward Cotyledon and Futurist.

    Once oslo.service won’t be used anymore in OpenStack, we will be free to abandon it.

  6. Introduce Asyncio in the first OpenStack bricks (a couple of identified libraries): * oslo.messaging; * oslo.db * oslo.concurrency; * oslo.cache; * OpenStackSDK (SDK is blocking and do not support async, it should be also migrated to Asyncio to avoid wrapping rest calls made to other services)

    The solution described here proposes to adapt common libraries with a collection new drivers and backends based on Asyncio in addition of the already existing drivers and backends. Teams maintaining services will be free to decide which can of backend they want to use, and which kind of migration path they want to follow for their deliverables.

    Moving these libraries first would be a first significant step toward a successful migration.

    By example, for oslo.db that would translate by the implementation of an Asyncio based enginefacade. For oslo.messaging, that would mean the implementation of a new AMQP driver based on the aioamqp third party library based on Asyncio.

    For more details about how to conduct a migration for a single deliverable please see How to migrate a single deliverable.

  7. choose a service that will serve as reference user. Glance-api have been proposed because it seems relatively small and typical.

  8. migrate this reference user deliverable (glance-api for now).

  9. prepare a migration guide based on the observations made during the migration of the previous deliverables. The goal of this guide would be to help during the migration of the services and of the libraries that remains not transitioned. This guide should accelerate the way teams are able to migrate their deliverables.

    For more details about the migration guide please see Migration Guide.

  10. cross testing the previously migrated deliverables. It would surely need the help of the QA team and of the requirements and infra team to design these cross tests and to make them running jobs.

  11. identifying the low hanging fruits that could be easily migrated by involving cross team expertness to inspect their deliverables. That would help making a list of migration priority and give a big picture of the remaining workload.

Long terms solutions

This milestone would surely require at least four or five series. 2027.2 would surely be our deadline.

Deliverables like nova or swift could be the hard ones to migrate. Also we could face difficulty with non active deliverables. They could slow down our progress.

To migrate the remaining deliverables we should consider the following points:

Here are the main steps to conduct this long terms migration:

  1. Identify deliverables who are not actively maintained and decide with the TC to retire them. This is a crucial point to avoid falling in an infinite loop of projects still relying on Eventlet and that could stuck this goal.

    This kind of deliverable could force us to rollbacks all our previous efforts as we did with the recent oslo.db/sqlalchemy upgrade. We don’t want to repeat this situation, especially with the inherent complexity of the Eventlet migration topic.

    Identifying them could be done with the help of release team and requirements team by defining some criteria like the absence of patches merged (excluding automated patches related to series upgrade) and the absence of new releases since more than 5 months from the beginning of the current series at this time.

  2. Migrate all the OpenStack remaining deliverables not yet migrated:

    • Remaining libraries should be migrated first.

    • Easily one should be migrated as soon as possible to allow harvesting feedback and experience easily acquired. The previously reference user (glance-api) could be used as an example.

    • Easily one should be migrated as soon as possible to free the maximum of available resources to focus efforts on the hardest deliverables to migrate.

    • Easily one should be migrated as soon as possible to allow cross integration testing to be run early during the migration of the hardest one.

    For more details about how to conduct a migration for a single deliverable please see How to migrate a single deliverable.

  3. Once all the deliverables are migrated, we should be able remove Eventlet requirements from all our deliverables.

  4. Abandoning oslo.service and retiring it from our global requirements.

  5. Retiring third parties libraries from our global requirements. If a third party library is not used anymore (even in a non async/Eventlet model), then it could be removed from our global requirements. If all deliverables are already migrated, then all useless third parties requirements could be removed.

  6. Once all the OpenStack migration would be done we would have to Plan the retirement of Eventlet, or, at least, we would have to socialize the fact that we don’t have anymore interest in continuing maintaining this library, so if the OpenStack maintainers involved in Eventlet want to retire, then they would to socialize their departure. If someone else, outside of OpenStack, volunteer to continue the Eventlet adventure, then, we would have to bequeath this project to him.

Limitations of the proposed solution

The reader should be aware that proposed solution do not provide any guarantee if the GIL is disabled, especially if teams decide to prefer the usage of native threads to replace existing code based on Eventlet.

We cannot predict the impacts of such change, this is why this solution cannot give guarantees in this context (On the Standards of the Industry).

We encourage, if possible, to prefer the usage of a cooperative paradigm over the usage of a preemptive paradigm. Many of our alternatives are based on a cooperative paradigm. Greenlet, Awaitlet, AsyncIO, Eventlet AsyncIO hub, etc… Cooperative would leave less room for uncertainties.

We invite the reader to carefully consider this point.


A community goal does not shape a new and personal vision of OpenStack.
A Community goal collects this vision from the scattered hopes and intentions of our community’s past.

This goal is a plan proposal to implement our community vision.

A plan designed for our own perennity.
A plan in accordance with previous decisions of our community.
A plan based on the right technologies and on their capabilities.
A plan taking account of resources scarcity.
Removing Eventlet is not an option, that’s an obligation.
Without action we will soon face a brutal discontinuation.
Adopting a goal is a logical continuation.
A goal which consider team predisposition.
A solution proposing a smooth migration.
A solution offering visible gains to our customers.
A solution That bring an engineering apprehensible by our expert developers.
A cost saving solution that would optimize resource consumption.
The TC is elected to provides technical leadership.
The TC is responsible in providing an ultimate appeals board for technical decisions.
If TC members simply reject this proposal without proposing anything else, they will have made a technical decision, but they will not be showing leadership.

We ask TC to provide leadership!



A challenge such removing Eventlet from Openstack cannot be taken alone. Since the beginning of this topic the collaboration is the keystone of solving this problem. All the elements presented in this document are the fruits of numerous collaborations.

Communities are the common denominators of success. Openstack is the result of our community. Our community is the demonstration of numerous successful collaborations. We cannot divide our success of our collaborations.

For this reason, we want to thank all the persons who participated to this topic. We want to specially thank the following people and credit their contributions:

  • Jay Faulkner for originally raising this issue and for all the efforts made, the support provided, and for all the help given during previous months;

  • Julia Kreger for advocating for a community initiative to address the Eventlet problem;

  • Itamar Turner-Trauring for his help on maintaining and on improving Eventlet, which ultimately moved the subject forward significantly;

  • Mike Bayer for his suggestions and for his works on various aspect of this topic, especially Awaitlet;

  • Sean Mooney and Dan Smith for their numerous reviews and their suggestions who significantly helped to reach a credible and feasible solution;

  • Tobias Urdin for his previous works on the NATS driver which led us to a better understanding of the Eventlet side effects on AsyncIO.

These persons embodies the greatness of our community! These persons, taken together, are the equation to solve this problem! These persons are the formula of our success! They are our champions!

Gerrit Topic

To facilitate tracking, commits related to this goal should use the gerrit topic:


Completion Criteria

  1. (done) Get an healthy new version of Eventlet;

  2. (done) Be able to support Python 3.12 and higher version as an OpenStack runtime;

  3. (done) Get Asyncio supported by Eventlet and vice versa;

  4. Get the oslo world fully migrated;

  5. Get libraries like OpenStackSDK migrated;

  6. Get a reference user project elected;

  7. Get non actively maintained deliverables retired;

  8. Get all other OpenStack deliverables relying on Eventlet migrated;

  9. Get Eventlet retired from OpenStack;

  10. Get Eventlet abandoned or bequeath to someone else.


  • Using Asyncio in Python; Caleb Hattingh - ISBN: 978-1-492-07533-2

  • The hacker’s guide to scaling python; Julien Danjou - ISBN: 978-1-387-37932-3

  • Structured Parallel Programming - Patterns for Efficient Computation; Michael McCool, Arch D. Robison, James Reinders - ISBN: 978-0-12-415993-8

Previous similar attempts and discussions

A brief Eventlet history in OpenStack

Identified Blocking Points

Epolls Multiple Readers

OpenStack rely on hacks which allow to disable the Eventlet protection against race condition. Indeed, by default Eventlet’s hub prevent multiple readers (greenlets) reading from a socket. However, Eventlet also come with a debug convenience which allow to disable this protection. Hence, using this convenience mean allowing readers to read from the same socket and hence introducing several risks of race conditions and of unexpected behaviors.

More details about this convenience can be found there:

Swift contains this kind of hack based on this debug convenience:

The Asyncio hub doesn’t support that multiple readers notion. Hence, this debug convenience can’t be used with the Asyncio hub. This multiple readers notion is a bad practice. We already have several discussions concerning that notion:

Risks are too high. It would be too easy to introduce bugs and unexpected behaviors. Benefits are too low and we should consider that alternatives exists through using design patterns and by using native system features.

Eventlet users should handle things differently. User should manage that’s need as a design topic of their application and not as buggy convenience in a low maintained library.

Users are encouraged to use the right concepts to correctly handle that kind of needs. By example may use the chain of responsibility patterns in their application design or why not using dup file descriptors or feeder threads if they want to accomplish such kind of mechanisms without risks.

Each solutions may present advantages disadvantages, but they can’t be worst than disabling all protections against race conditions through using a debug convenience.

Each deliverable that contains this hack is a deliverable which cannot Eventlet and Asyncio in the same time. Each deliverable that contains this hack is a deliverable where the removal of Eventlet will be complex.

Current State / Anticipated Impact

Related links: