========================================= 2014-06-17 DefCore Capabilities Scoring ========================================= The DefCore team has put together a scorecard_ combining many criteria to evaluate which capabilities_ of OpenStack should be considered core. They have asked the TC to help fill in the "Aligns with Technical Direction" section, replacing the score in each cell with either ``0`` (for "not needed") or ``1`` (for "required"). The table below includes the three columns from the "Aligns with Technical Direction" of the original scorecard: TC Future Direction Does the Technical Committee plan to continue supporting this feature? Complete Is the feature currently implemented and fully working? Stable Is the API for the feature stable enough to support over a long period? .. The table below reproduces the "Aligns with Technical Direction" section of the spreadsheet as it stands on 2014-06-17, based on ``defcore.csv``. A follow-up changeset will modify this resolution to reflect the scores of the TC (separate patches will make it easier to discuss the changes from the original values). The ``0.5`` values are placeholders for the "undecided" scores the DefCore committee needs us to resolve. The other ``1`` and ``0`` scores were decided by the DefCore committee, but as these are technical questions they are also up for review. We should focus on filling in the missing values first, and may want a second pass to update the other values. The blank fields are for capabilities that won't be included based on other criteria, so we can score them but don't have to during this pass. ===== ================================= ===================== ========== ======== Row Candidate Capabilities TC Future Direction Complete Stable ===== ================================= ===================== ========== ======== 4 compute-servers 1 1 1 5 volume 1 1 1 6 compute-volume 1 1 1 7 compute-quotas 1 1 1 8 compute-flavors 1 1 1 9 images-v1 1 1 1 10 compute-auth 1 1 1 11 images-v2 1 1 1 12 objectstore-object 1 1 1 13 compute-keypairs 1 1 1 14 compute-servers-metadata 1 1 1 15 objectstore-container 1 1 1 16 volume-snapshots 1 1 1 17 compute-images 0 1 1 18 compute-floating-ips 1 1 1 19 compute-instance-actions 1 1 1 20 compute-security-groups 1 1 1 21 compute-image-metadata 0 1 1 22 objectstore-container-quota 1 1 1 23 compute-virtual-interfaces 1 1 0 24 objectstore-container-acl 0 1 1 25 objectstore-acct-services 0 1 1 26 objectstore-container-staticweb 0 1 1 27 1 1 0 28 compute-usage 0 1 1 29 compute-limits 1 1 1 30 networks-extensions 1 1 1 31 networks-l2 1 0 0 32 compute-ext-disk-config 0 1 0 33 networks-l3 1 0 0 34 compute-live-migration 1 0 0 35 compute-servers-personality 0 1 1 36 networks-floating-ips 1 0 0 37 networks-security-groups 1 0 0 38 networks-lbaas 1 0 0 39 orch-stacks 0 0 0 40 compute-multiple-create 1 1 1 41 networks-vpn 1 0 0 42 compute-attach-interface 0 0 0 43 networks-quotas 1 0 0 44 compute-auth-v3 1 0 0 45 compute-volume-proxy 0 46 compute-volume-ebs 0 47 compute-console-log 1 0 0 48 identity-admin-v3-roles 1 0 0 49 identity-admin-v3-endpoints 1 0 0 50 identity-admin-v3-credentials 1 0 0 51 identity-admin-v3-domains 1 0 0 52 identity-admin-v3-policies 1 0 0 53 identity-admin-v3-users 1 0 0 54 identity-admin-v3-services 1 0 0 55 identity-admin-v3-tokens 1 0 0 56 identity-admin-v3-projects 1 0 0 57 volume-multi-backend 1 1 1 58 identity-admin-users 0 1 1 59 identity-admin-roles 1 1 1 60 compute-admin-aggregates 1 1 1 61 objectstore-quotas 1 1 1 62 compute-admin-servers-pause 1 1 1 63 compute-admin-servers-suspend 1 1 1 64 identity-admin-tenants 0 1 0 65 compute-admin-avail-zone 0 1 1 66 identity-admin-services 1 1 1 67 volume-extra-specs 1 1 1 68 compute-admin-flavors 1 1 1 69 compute-admin-server 1 1 1 70 compute-admin-services 1 1 1 71 compute-admin-fixed-ips 1 0 1 72 compute-admin-quota 1 1 1 73 compute-admin-hypervisor 1 1 1 74 compute-admin-hosts 1 1 1 ===== ================================= ===================== ========== ======== .. _scorecard: https://docs.google.com/a/dreamhost.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Av62KoL8f9kAdFo4V1ZLUFM0OHlrRnFpQUkxSHJ5QWc&usp=drive_web#gid=6 .. _capabilities: https://github.com/stackforge/refstack/tree/master/defcore/havana