========= Stein PTL ========= `Current list of all projects and PTLs `_ Elected PTLs ============ * Adjutant * `Adrian Turjak `__ * Barbican * `Ade Lee `__ * Blazar * `Pierre Riteau (priteau) `__ * Chef OpenStack * `Samuel Cassiba (scas) `__ * Cinder * `Jay Bryant (jungleboyj) `__ * Cloudkitty * `Luka Peschke `__ * Congress * `Eric Kao `__ * Cyborg * `Li Liu `__ * Designate * `Graham Hayes (mugsie) `__ * Documentation * `Petr Kovar (pkovar) `__ * Dragonflow * The TC is invloved in the appropriate disucssions under `Leaderless projects `_ * Ec2 Api * `Andrey Pavlov (andrey-mp) `__ * Freezer * The TC is invloved in the appropriate disucssions under `Leaderless projects `_. This possibly means that Freezer will be removed as an official OpenStack Project. See `https://review.openstack.org/588645 `_ for more details. * Glance * `Erno Kuvaja (jokke_) `__ * Heat * `Rico Lin (ricolin) `__ * Horizon * `Ivan Kolodyazhny (e0ne) `__ * I18n * `Frank Kloeker (eumel8) `__ * Infrastructure * `Clark Boylan (clarkb) `__ * Ironic * `Julia Kreger (TheJulia) `__ * Karbor * `Pengju Jiao (jiaopengju) `__ * Keystone * `Lance Bragstad (lbragstad) `__ * Kolla * `Eduardo Gonzalez Gutierrez (egonzalez) `__ * Kuryr * `Daniel Mellado (dmellado@freenode) `__ * Loci * The TC is invloved in the appropriate disucssions under `Leaderless projects `_ * Magnum * `Spyros Trigazis (strigazi) `__ * Manila * `Thomas Barron (tbarron) `__ * Masakari * `Sampath Priyankara (samP) `__ * Mistral * `Dougal Matthews (d0ugal) `__ * Monasca * `Witek Bedyk (witek) `__ * Murano * `Rong Zhu (zhurong) `__ * Neutron * `Miguel Lavalle (mlavalle) `__ * Nova * `Melanie Witt `__ * Octavia * `Michael Johnson (johnsom) `__ * OpenStack Charms * `Frode Nordahl (fnordahl) `__ * OpenStack Helm * `Pete Birley (portdirect) `__ * OpenStackAnsible * `Mohammed Naser (mnaser) `__ * OpenStackClient * `Dean Troyer (dtroyer) `__ * OpenStackSDK * `Monty Taylor (mordred) `__ * Oslo * `Ben Nemec (bnemec) `__ * Packaging Rpm * The TC is invloved in the appropriate disucssions under `Leaderless projects `_. For Packaging_Rpm there is a potential PTL candidate. See `https://review.openstack.org/588617 `_ for details. * PowerVMStackers * `Matthew Edmonds (edmondsw) `__ * Puppet OpenStack * `Tobias Urdin (tobasco) `__ * Qinling * `Lingxian Kong (lxkong) `__ * Quality Assurance * `Ghanshyam Mann (gmann) `__ * Rally * `Andrey Kurilin (andreykurilin) `__ * RefStack * The TC is invloved in the appropriate disucssions under `Leaderless projects `_ * Release Management * `Sean McGinnis (smcginnis) `__ * Requirements * `Matthew Thode (prometheanfire) `__ * Sahara * `Telles Nobrega (tellesnobrega) `__ * Searchlight * The TC is invloved in the appropriate disucssions under `Leaderless projects `_. This possibly means that Searchlight will be removed as an official OpenStack Project. See `https://review.openstack.org/588644 `_ for more details. * Security * This project team completed transiioning to a SIG after the election started. See `https://review.openstack.org/#/c/586896/ `_ for more details. * Senlin * `Duc Truong (dtruong) `__ * Solum * `Rong Zhu (zhurong) `__ * Storlets * `Kota Tsuyuzaki `__ * Swift * `John Dickinson (notmyname) `__ * Tacker * `dharmendra kushwaha (dkushwaha) `__ * Telemetry * `Julien Danjou (jd__) `__ * Tricircle * `baisen song `__ * Tripleo * `Juan Osorio Robles (jaosorior) `__ * Trove * The TC is invloved in the appropriate disucssions under `Leaderless projects `_. For Trove there is a potential PTL see `https://review.openstack.org/588510 `_ for deatails. * Vitrage * `Ifat Afek (ifat_afek) `__ * Watcher * `Alexander Chadin `__ * Winstackers * The TC is invloved in the appropriate disucssions under `Leaderless projects `_ * Zaqar * `wang hao `__ * Zun * `Wei Ji `__ Election Results ================ * `Senlin `_ * `Tacker `_ Leaderless Projects =================== * Dragonflow * Freezer * Loci * Packaging_Rpm * RefStack * Searchlight * Security * Trove * Winstackers PTL Candidates ============== * Adjutant * `Adrian Turjak (None) `__ * Barbican * `Ade Lee (None) `__ * Blazar * `Pierre Riteau (priteau) `__ * Chef OpenStack * `Samuel Cassiba (scas) `__ * Cinder * `Jay Bryant (jungleboyj) `__ * Cloudkitty * `Luka Peschke (None) `__ * Congress * `Eric Kao (None) `__ * Cyborg * `Li Liu (None) `__ * Designate * `Graham Hayes (mugsie) `__ * Documentation * `Petr Kovar (pkovar) `__ * Dragonflow * Ec2 Api * `Andrey Pavlov (andrey-mp) `__ * Freezer * Glance * `Erno Kuvaja (jokke_) `__ * Heat * `Rico Lin (ricolin) `__ * Horizon * `Ivan Kolodyazhny (e0ne) `__ * I18n * `Frank Kloeker (eumel8) `__ * Infrastructure * `Clark Boylan (clarkb) `__ * Ironic * `Julia Kreger (TheJulia) `__ * Karbor * `Pengju Jiao (jiaopengju) `__ * Keystone * `Lance Bragstad (lbragstad) `__ * Kolla * `Eduardo Gonzalez Gutierrez (egonzalez) `__ * Kuryr * `Daniel Mellado (dmellado@freenode) `__ * Loci * Magnum * `Spyros Trigazis (strigazi) `__ * Manila * `Thomas Barron (tbarron) `__ * Masakari * `Sampath Priyankara (samP) `__ * Mistral * `Dougal Matthews (d0ugal) `__ * Monasca * `Witek Bedyk (witek) `__ * Murano * `Rong Zhu (zhurong) `__ * Neutron * `Miguel Lavalle (mlavalle) `__ * Nova * `Melanie Witt (None) `__ * Octavia * `Michael Johnson (johnsom) `__ * OpenStack Charms * `Frode Nordahl (fnordahl) `__ * OpenStack Helm * `Pete Birley (portdirect) `__ * OpenStackAnsible * `Mohammed Naser (mnaser) `__ * OpenStackClient * `Dean Troyer (dtroyer) `__ * OpenStackSDK * `Monty Taylor (mordred) `__ * Oslo * `Ben Nemec (bnemec) `__ * Packaging Rpm * PowerVMStackers * `Matthew Edmonds (edmondsw) `__ * Puppet OpenStack * `Tobias Urdin (tobasco) `__ * Qinling * `Lingxian Kong (lxkong) `__ * Quality Assurance * `Ghanshyam Mann (gmann) `__ * Rally * `Andrey Kurilin (andreykurilin) `__ * RefStack * Release Management * `Sean McGinnis (smcginnis) `__ * Requirements * `Matthew Thode (prometheanfire) `__ * Sahara * `Telles Nobrega (tellesnobrega) `__ * Searchlight * Security * Senlin * `Duc Truong (dtruong) `__ * `XueFeng Liu (None) `__ * Solum * `Rong Zhu (zhurong) `__ * Storlets * `Kota Tsuyuzaki (None) `__ * Swift * `John Dickinson (notmyname) `__ * Tacker * `Yong Sheng Gong (gongysh) `__ * `dharmendra kushwaha (dkushwaha) `__ * Telemetry * `Julien Danjou (jd__) `__ * Tricircle * `baisen song (None) `__ * Tripleo * `Juan Osorio Robles (jaosorior) `__ * Trove * Vitrage * `Ifat Afek (ifat_afek) `__ * Watcher * `Alexander Chadin (None) `__ * Winstackers * Zaqar * `wang hao (None) `__ * Zun * `Wei Ji (None) `__